GSH [GUANGSHEN RAILWAY CO] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00525) LIST OF DIRECTORS AND THEIR ROLE AND FUNCTION Board Company The members of the board of Directors (“ EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Mr. Li Wenxin, Chairman of the Board, is primarily responsible for chairing and convening the shareholders’ general meetings and presiding over Board meetings; supervising the] [(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00525) ANNOUNCEMENT OF POLL RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 29 MAY 2014 AND CHANGES IN DIRECTORS AND SUPERVISORS The Board is pleased to announce that the Ordinary Resolutions were duly passed by way of poll at the AGM. AGM Notice AGM Company Reference] [(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00525) CONNECTED TRANSACTION ENTERING INTO THE ASSETS TRANSFER AGREEMENT On 29 May 2014, the Company entered into the Assets Transfer Agreement with GREDC in relation to acquisition of certain assets and liabilities in respect of freight transportation business of GREDC. GREDC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of]

By | 2016-03-10T15:30:10+00:00 June 2nd, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, GSH, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

GSH [GUANGSHEN RAILWAY CO] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) Stock Code: 00525) ( FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2014 The financial information set out in this quarterly report has not been audited, and has been prepared in accordance with the PRC Accounting Standards. 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE 1.1 1.2 All directors of the Company attended the meeting of the]

By | 2016-03-10T15:33:02+00:00 April 24th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, GSH, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

GSH [GUANGSHEN RAILWAY CO] 6-K: (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the

[(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) Stock Code: 00525) ( FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2014 The financial information set out in this quarterly report has not been audited, and has been prepared in accordance with the PRC Accounting Standards. 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE 1.1 1.2 All directors of the Company attended the meeting of the]

By | 2016-03-10T15:34:10+00:00 April 24th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, GSH, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

GSH [GUANGSHEN RAILWAY CO] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION If you are in any doubt If you have sold or transferred (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 525) PROPOSED CHANGES IN DIRECTORS AND SHAREHOLDER REPRESENTATIVE SUPERVISORS AND NOTICE OF 2013 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING A notice dated 10 April 2014 convening the AGM] [(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00525) Attendance Confirmation Reply Form for the 2013 Annual General Meeting Company AGM ) Name Number of shares held Identity card number/passport number Telephone Correspondence Address 2014 Notes: (1) Holders of the shares of the Company whose names appear on the registers of members of the] [(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Note 1) Number of shares to which this proxy form relates (Stock Code: 00525) Proxy Form for Use by Shareholders at the 2013 Annual General Meeting (Note 2) I/We of THE CHAIRMAN OF being the shareholder of Guangshen Railway Company Limited (the “Company”) hereby appoint THE MEETING (Note] [(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00525) NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING Board Company The Board of Directors (the “ By Order of the Board of Guangshen Railway Company Limited Guo Xiangdong Company Secretary Shenzhen, the PRC 8 April 2014 As at the date of this announcement, the Board of the Company consists]

By | 2016-03-10T15:39:24+00:00 April 10th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, GSH, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

GSH [GUANGSHEN RAILWAY CO] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00525) 2013 ANNUAL RESULT ANNOUNCEMENT Company The Board of Directors of Guangshen Railway Company Limited (the “ Chapter 1 Definitions and Statement of Material Risks I. DEFINITIONS In this report, unless the context otherwise requires, the expressions stated below will have the following meanings: The Company,]

By | 2016-03-10T15:49:40+00:00 March 28th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, GSH, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

GSH [GUANGSHEN RAILWAY CO] 6-K: (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the

[(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00525) 2013 ANNUAL RESULT ANNOUNCEMENT Company The Board of Directors of Guangshen Railway Company Limited (the “ Chapter 1 Definitions and Statement of Material Risks I. DEFINITIONS In this report, unless the context otherwise requires, the expressions stated below will have the following meanings: The Company,]

By | 2016-03-10T15:50:54+00:00 March 28th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, GSH, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

GSH [GUANGSHEN RAILWAY CO] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00525) ANNOUNCEMENT IN RELATION TO RAIL FREIGHT RATE ADJUSTMENTS Company (1) the freight rate for commercial operation railway lines which adopt unified freight rates within the national railways shall be adjusted with the average freight rate increasing by RMB1.5 cents per tonne per kilometer; and (2)]

By | 2016-03-10T15:52:08+00:00 February 18th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, GSH, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

GSH [GUANGSHEN RAILWAY CO] 6-K: (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the

[(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00525) ANNOUNCEMENT IN RELATION TO RAIL FREIGHT RATE ADJUSTMENTS Company (1) the freight rate for commercial operation railway lines which adopt unified freight rates within the national railways shall be adjusted with the average freight rate increasing by RMB1.5 cents per tonne per kilometer; and (2)]

By | 2016-03-10T15:53:02+00:00 February 18th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, GSH, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

GSH [GUANGSHEN RAILWAY CO] SC 13G/A: (Original Filing)

[Item 1: Reporting Person - FMR LLC Item 4: Delaware Item 5: 174,894,000 Item 6: 0 Item 7: 178,724,000 Item 8: 0 Item 9: 178,724,000 Item 11: 12.487% Item 12: HC Cusip #Y2930P108 Item 1: Reporting Person - Edward C. Johnson 3d Item 5: 0 Item 6: 0 Item 7: 178,724,000 Item 8: 0 Item 9: 178,724,000 Item 11: 12.487%]

By | 2016-03-10T15:54:06+00:00 February 14th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, GSH, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

GSH [GUANGSHEN RAILWAY CO] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00525) POLL RESULTS OF 2013 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 19 DECEMBER 2013 CONTINUING CONNECTED TRANSACTIONS The Board is pleased to announce that the Ordinary Resolution set out in the EGM Notice was duly passed by way of poll by the Independent Shareholders at the EGM] [Number Description of Document 99.1 Poll Results of 2013 Extraordinary General Meeting Held on 19 December 2013 2 Guangshen Railway Company Limited Dated: December 19, 2013]

By | 2016-03-16T20:40:26+00:00 December 19th, 2013|Categories: Chinese Stocks, GSH, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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