KNDI [Kandi Technologies] DEF 14A: (Original Filing)
[ November 16, 2018 Dear Stockholder: You are invited to attend Kingold’s Annual Meeting of Stockholders at 10:00 AM local time on December 15, 2018, at the Kingold Jewelry Corporate Center, No. 8 Han Huang Road, Jiang’An District, Wuhan, China. Registration will begin at 9:00 AM, local time. Detai]
[ November 16, 2018 Dear Stockholder: You are invited to attend Kingold’s Annual Meeting of Stockholders at 10:00 AM local time on December 15, 2018, at the Kingold Jewelry Corporate Center, No. 8 Han Huang Road, Jiang’An District, Wuhan, China. Registration will begin at 9:00 AM, local time. Detai]