CHA [CHINA TELECOM] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[Page 1.1 Announcement in relation to change of principal place of business in Hong Kong, dated May 2, 2019 A-1 6-K • our business and operating strategies and our ability to successfully execute these strategies; • our network expansion and capital expenditure plans; • our operations and business pr]

CHA [CHINA TELECOM] 6-K: Page 1.1 Announcement in relation to change of

[Page 1.1 Announcement in relation to change of principal place of business in Hong Kong, dated May 2, 2019 A-1 6-K • our business and operating strategies and our ability to successfully execute these strategies; • our network expansion and capital expenditure plans; • our operations and business pr]

CHA [CHINA TELECOM] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[Page 1.1 Announcement in relation to change of principal place of business in Hong Kong, dated May 2, 2019 A-1 6-K • our business and operating strategies and our ability to successfully execute these strategies; • our network expansion and capital expenditure plans; • our operations and business pr]

CHA [CHINA TELECOM] 6-K: Page 1.1 Announcement in relation to change of

[Page 1.1 Announcement in relation to change of principal place of business in Hong Kong, dated May 2, 2019 A-1 6-K • our business and operating strategies and our ability to successfully execute these strategies; • our network expansion and capital expenditure plans; • our operations and business pr]

CHA [CHINA TELECOM] 20-F: None (Title of Class) None (Title of Class)

[None (Title of Class) None (Title of Class) Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual report. S-T non-accelerated Rule 12b-2 Filer ☐ Non-Accelerated Large Accelerated Filer ☒ Accelerated † ]

CHA [CHINA TELECOM] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[Page Number Number 1.1 Announcement in relation to key financial and performance indicators for the first quarter of 2019, dated April 29, 2019 A-1 6-K • our business and operating strategies and our ability to successfully execute these strategies; • our network expansion and capital expenditure pl]

CHA [CHINA TELECOM] 6-K: Page Number Number 1.1 Announcement in relation to

[Page Number Number 1.1 Announcement in relation to key financial and performance indicators for the first quarter of 2019, dated April 29, 2019 A-1 6-K • our business and operating strategies and our ability to successfully execute these strategies; • our network expansion and capital expenditure pl]


[April 29, 2019 VIA EDGAR 100 F Street, N.E. 20-F Re: Notice of Disclosure Filed in Annual Report on Form Ladies and Gentlemen: 20-F Respectfully submitted, CHINA TELECOM CORPORATION LIMITED Zhu Min Executive Director, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer IRANNOTICE 1 d730017dirannoti]


[April 29, 2019 VIA EDGAR 100 F Street, N.E. 20-F Re: Notice of Disclosure Filed in Annual Report on Form Ladies and Gentlemen: 20-F Respectfully submitted, CHINA TELECOM CORPORATION LIMITED Zhu Min Executive Director, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer IRANNOTICE 1 d730017dirannoti]

CHA [CHINA TELECOM] 20-F: (Original Filing)

[None (Title of Class) None (Title of Class) Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual report. S-T non-accelerated Rule 12b-2 Filer ☐ Non-Accelerated Large Accelerated Filer ☒ Accelerated † ]

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