[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited , 2013 April 17te For Main Board listed issuers Nexty Disclosure Return (Equity issuer - changes in issued sharepital and/or share buybacks) China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited Name of listed issuer: 00670 Stockde: 17 April 2013te submitted: Section II mustso bempleted by a listed issuer where it has made a repurchase of]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited , 2013 April 17te For Main Board listed issuers Nexty Disclosure Return (Equity issuer - changes in issued sharepital and/or share buybacks) China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited Name of listed issuer: 00670 Stockde: 17 April 2013te submitted: Section II mustso bempleted by a listed issuer where it has made a repurchase of]
[(a joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670) ANNOUNCEMENTMPLETION OF ISSUANCE OF NEW A SHARESmpany Circular Reference is made to (i) the circular of China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (the Thempany is pleased to announce that the issuance of new A Shares ismpleted. Details of the issuance is follows:]
[(a joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670) ANNOUNCEMENTMPLETION OF ISSUANCE OF NEW A SHARESmpany Circular Reference is made to (i) the circular of China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (the Thempany is pleased to announce that the issuance of new A Shares ismpleted. Details of the issuance is follows:]