[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte December 7, 2012 By (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670) GRANT OF H SHARES APPRECIATION RIGHTSmpany Circular Reference is made to the circular of China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (" On 7 December 2012, thempany granted 60.54 million H Shares Appreciation Rights (representing]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte December 7, 2012 By (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670) GRANT OF H SHARES APPRECIATION RIGHTSmpany Circular Reference is made to the circular of China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (" On 7 December 2012, thempany granted 60.54 million H Shares Appreciation Rights (representing]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte December 6, 2012 By Wang Jian (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670)NNECTED TRANSACTION The Vendor is an indirect non wholly-owned subsidiary of CEA, which is in turn is a substantial shareholder of thempany, and the Vendor is thus annected person of thempany.]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte December 6, 2012 By Wang Jian (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670)NNECTED TRANSACTION The Vendor is an indirect non wholly-owned subsidiary of CEA, which is in turn is a substantial shareholder of thempany, and the Vendor is thus annected person of thempany.]