[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte May 6, 2013 By SRC="logo.jpg"T=""> A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) ( (Stockde :00670) NOTIFICATION LETTER 7 May 2013 (Note 1) ar Investor De China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (thempany) otice of publication of the Notice for the 2012 Annual General Meeting of thempany (the]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte May 6, 2013 By SRC="logo.jpg"T=""> A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) ( (Stockde :00670) NOTIFICATION LETTER 7 May 2013 (Note 1) ar Investor De China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (thempany) otice of publication of the Notice for the 2012 Annual General Meeting of thempany (the]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte May 6, 2013 By (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) Stockde 00670 NOTIFICATION LETTER 7 May 2013 Dear H shares shareholder, China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (thempany) Notice of publication of the Notice for the 2012 Annual General Meeting,]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte May 6, 2013 By (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) Stockde 00670 NOTIFICATION LETTER 7 May 2013 Dear H shares shareholder, China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (thempany) Notice of publication of the Notice for the 2012 Annual General Meeting,]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte May 6, 2013 By (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670) Proxy Form for the 2012 Annual General Meeting (Note 1) (Note 1) (Note 2)mpany (Note 3)M Notice I/We______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Shareholders should read thentents of the relevant resolutionsntained in the Noticerefully before exercising]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte May 6, 2013 By (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670) Proxy Form for the 2012 Annual General Meeting (Note 1) (Note 1) (Note 2)mpany (Note 3)M Notice I/We______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Shareholders should read thentents of the relevant resolutionsntained in the Noticerefully before exercising]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte May 6, 2013 By (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ATTENDANCE SLIPmpany To: China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (the I/We intend to attend the annual general meeting of thempany to be held at Shanghai International Airport Hotel (), 2550 Hongqiao]