GIGM [GIGAMEDIA] 6-K: November 24, 2015 To the Shareholders of GigaMedia
[November 24, 2015 To the Shareholders of GigaMedia Limited: Meeting Reverse Share Split You are cordially invited to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of our Company (the As you may be aware through our various announcements, on January 14, 2015, NASDAQ notified us that the trading price of our Ordinary Shares no longer met the minimum $1] [GIGAMEDIA LIMITED 8F, NO. 22, LANE 407, SECTION 2 TIDING BLVD. NEIHU DISTRICT, TAIPEI 114 TAIWAN R.O.C ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF FUTURE PROXY MATERIALS If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our company in mailing proxy materials, you can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy cards and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the Internet. To] [CONTENTS Annexed hereto and incorporated herein by reference are copies of the following items: 1. Meeting GigaMedia Limited (the 2. GIGAMEDIA LIMITED Collin Hwang Chief Executive Officer]