HTHT [China Lodging,] F-1/A: Subject tompletion,ted March15, 2010 9,000,000American Depositary Shares China
[Subject tompletion,ted March15, 2010 9,000,000American Depositary Shares China Lodging, Limited Representing 36,000,000Ordinary Shares This is our initial public offering. We are offering 9,000,000American depositary shares, orSs, each representing four of our ordinary shares, par value US$0.0001 per share. No public market currently exists for our ordinary shares orSs.] [CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM EX-23.1 h03703a2exv23w1.htm 2 EX-23.1] [March 15, 2010 VIA EDGAR Jennifer Gowetski, Seniorunsel Re: China Lodging, Limited Amendment No.2 to Registration Statement on FormF-1 Publicly Filed on March5, 2010 Dear Ms.Gowetski:mpany Amendment No.2 On behalf of our client, China Lodging, Limited, arporation organized under the laws of theyman Islands (the]