HMIN [Homeinns Hotel] 424B7: (Original Filing)

[Prospectus Supplement (to Prospectus dated May 19, 2011) Registration No. 333-174341 HOME INNS & HOTELS MANAGEMENT INC. $184,000,000 Aggregate Principal Amount of 7,200,382 American Depositary Shares Representing Investing in the Notes involves significant risks. See “Risk Factors” beginning on page 10 of the prospectus. The date of this prospectus supplement is November 3, 2011. SELLING SECURITYHOLDERS Holders of Notes and]

By | 2016-03-01T16:20:36+00:00 November 3rd, 2011|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HMIN, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HMIN [Homeinns Hotel] 424B7: Prospectus Supplement (to Prospectus dated May 19, 2011)

[Prospectus Supplement (to Prospectus dated May 19, 2011) Registration No. 333-174341 HOME INNS & HOTELS MANAGEMENT INC. $184,000,000 Aggregate Principal Amount of 7,200,382 American Depositary Shares Representing Investing in the Notes involves significant risks. See “Risk Factors” beginning on page 10 of the prospectus. The date of this prospectus supplement is November 3, 2011. SELLING SECURITYHOLDERS Holders of Notes and]

By | 2016-03-01T16:21:19+00:00 November 3rd, 2011|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HMIN, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HMIN [Homeinns Hotel] 424B7: (Original Filing)

[Prospectus Supplement (to Prospectusted May19, 2011) Registration No.333-174341 HOME INNS & HOTELS MANAGEMENT $184,000,000gregate Principal Amount of 7,200,382 American Depositary Shares Representing Investing in the Notes involves significant risks. See Risk Factors beginning on page 10 of the prospectus. Thete of this prospectus supplement is November3, 2011.]

By | 2016-02-05T20:06:12+00:00 November 3rd, 2011|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HMIN, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HMIN [Homeinns Hotel] 424B7: Prospectus Supplement (to Prospectusted May19, 2011) Registration No.333-174341

[Prospectus Supplement (to Prospectusted May19, 2011) Registration No.333-174341 HOME INNS & HOTELS MANAGEMENT $184,000,000gregate Principal Amount of 7,200,382 American Depositary Shares Representing Investing in the Notes involves significant risks. See Risk Factors beginning on page 10 of the prospectus. Thete of this prospectus supplement is November3, 2011.]

By | 2016-02-05T20:06:44+00:00 November 3rd, 2011|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HMIN, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HTHT [China Lodging,] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[FINAL Contact Information Ida Yu Investor Relations Manager Tel: 86 (21) 6195 9561 Email: China Lodging Group, Limited to Hold 2011 Annual General Meeting on December 8, 2011 Shanghai, China, October 24, 2011 The notice of the annual general meeting, which sets forth the resolutions to be submitted to shareholder approval at the meeting, is available on] [CHINA LODGING GROUP, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (NASDAQ Ticker: HTHT) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to Be Held on December 8, 2011 (or any adjourned or postponed meeting thereof) AGM Company NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting (“ 1. To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as an ordinary] [CHINA LODGING GROUP, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (NASDAQ Ticker: HTHT) Form of Proxy for Annual General Meeting to Be Held on December 8, 2011 (or any adjourned or postponed meeting thereof) Introduction Company Ordinary Shares AGM AGM Notice This Form of Proxy is furnished in connection with the solicitation by the Board of Directors of] [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders The Voting Instructions must be signed, completed and received at the indicated address prior to 10:00 A.M. (New York City time) on December 1, 2011 for action to be taken. 2011 VOTING INSTRUCTIONS AMERICAN DEPOSITARY SHARES China Lodging Group, Limited (the “Company”) ADS CUSIP No.: 16949N109, 16949N182. October 25, 2011. Meeting Specifics: Annual General Meeting] [Time Sensitive Materials Depositary’s Notice of Shareholders’ Meeting of China Lodging Group, Limited ADSs: American Depositary Shares. ADS CUSIP No.: 16949N109, 16949N182. October 25, 2011. Meeting Specifics: Annual General Meeting - December 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. (local time) at No. 2266 Hongqiao Road, Changning District, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China. Meeting Agendas: Please refer to the Company’s Notice of]

By | 2016-03-03T04:59:45+00:00 October 25th, 2011|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HTHT, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HTHT [China Lodging,] 6-K: FINAL Contact Information Ida Yu Investor Relations Manager

[FINAL Contact Information Ida Yu Investor Relations Manager Tel: 86 (21) 6195 9561 Email: China Lodging Group, Limited to Hold 2011 Annual General Meeting on December 8, 2011 Shanghai, China, October 24, 2011 The notice of the annual general meeting, which sets forth the resolutions to be submitted to shareholder approval at the meeting, is available on] [CHINA LODGING GROUP, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (NASDAQ Ticker: HTHT) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to Be Held on December 8, 2011 (or any adjourned or postponed meeting thereof) AGM Company NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting (“ 1. To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as an ordinary] [CHINA LODGING GROUP, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (NASDAQ Ticker: HTHT) Form of Proxy for Annual General Meeting to Be Held on December 8, 2011 (or any adjourned or postponed meeting thereof) Introduction Company Ordinary Shares AGM AGM Notice This Form of Proxy is furnished in connection with the solicitation by the Board of Directors of] [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders The Voting Instructions must be signed, completed and received at the indicated address prior to 10:00 A.M. (New York City time) on December 1, 2011 for action to be taken. 2011 VOTING INSTRUCTIONS AMERICAN DEPOSITARY SHARES China Lodging Group, Limited (the “Company”) ADS CUSIP No.: 16949N109, 16949N182. October 25, 2011. Meeting Specifics: Annual General Meeting] [Time Sensitive Materials Depositary’s Notice of Shareholders’ Meeting of China Lodging Group, Limited ADSs: American Depositary Shares. ADS CUSIP No.: 16949N109, 16949N182. October 25, 2011. Meeting Specifics: Annual General Meeting - December 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. (local time) at No. 2266 Hongqiao Road, Changning District, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China. Meeting Agendas: Please refer to the Company’s Notice of]

By | 2016-03-03T05:01:17+00:00 October 25th, 2011|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HTHT, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HTHT [China Lodging,] 6-K: FINAL Contact Information Ida Yu Investor Relations Manager

[FINAL Contact Information Ida Yu Investor Relations Manager Tel: 86 (21) 6195 9561 Email: China Lodging Group, Limited Announces Management Change Shanghai, China, October 24, 2011 – China Lodging Group, Limited (NASDAQ: HTHT) (“China Lodging Group” or the “Company”), a leading and high-growth economy hotel chain operator in China, today announced the resignation of Chang Su, Chief Operating]

By | 2016-03-03T04:58:20+00:00 October 25th, 2011|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HTHT, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HTHT [China Lodging,] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[FINAL Contact Information Ida Yu Investor Relations Manager Tel: 86 (21) 6195 9561 Email: China Lodging Group, Limited Announces Management Change Shanghai, China, October 24, 2011 – China Lodging Group, Limited (NASDAQ: HTHT) (“China Lodging Group” or the “Company”), a leading and high-growth economy hotel chain operator in China, today announced the resignation of Chang Su, Chief Operating]

By | 2016-03-03T04:55:27+00:00 October 25th, 2011|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HTHT, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HTHT [China Lodging,] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[FINAL STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">ntact Information STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">Ida Yu Investor Relations Manager STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">Tel: 86 (21)6195 9561 Email: China Lodging, Limited to Hold 2011 Annual General Meeting on December8, 2011 Shanghai, China, October24, 2011 The notice of the annual general meeting, which sets forth the resolutions to be] [CHINA LODGING, LIMITED STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> (Incorporated in theyman Islands with limited liability) (NASDAQ Ticker: HTHT) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> to Be Held on December8, 2011 (or anyjourned or postponed meeting thereof)Mmpany STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting (] [CHINA LODGING, LIMITED STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> (Incorporated in theyman Islands with limited liability) (NASDAQ Ticker: HTHT) Form of Proxy for Annual General Meeting STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> to Be Held on December8, 2011 (or anyjourned or postponed meeting thereof) Introduction STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">mpany Ordinary Shares] [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> The Voting Instructions must be signed,mpleted and received at the indicateddress prior to 10:00 A.M. (New York City time) on December1, 2011 for action to be taken. 2011 VOTING INSTRUCTIONS AMERICAN DEPOSITARY SHARES China Lodging, Limited (thempany)S CUSIP No.:] [Time Sensitive Materials STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> Depositarys Notice of Shareholders Meeting of STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> China Lodging, LimitedSs: American Depositary Shares.S CUSIP No.: 16949N109, 16949N182. October 25, 2011. Meetingecifics: Annual General Meeting - December 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. (local time) at No. 2266 Hongqiao Road, Changning District, Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China.]

By | 2016-02-07T12:04:34+00:00 October 25th, 2011|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HTHT, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HTHT [China Lodging,] 6-K: FINAL STYLE=”font-family:Times New Roman” SIZE=”2″>ntact Information STYLE=”font-family:Times New

[FINAL STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">ntact Information STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">Ida Yu Investor Relations Manager STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">Tel: 86 (21)6195 9561 Email: China Lodging, Limited to Hold 2011 Annual General Meeting on December8, 2011 Shanghai, China, October24, 2011 The notice of the annual general meeting, which sets forth the resolutions to be] [CHINA LODGING, LIMITED STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> (Incorporated in theyman Islands with limited liability) (NASDAQ Ticker: HTHT) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> to Be Held on December8, 2011 (or anyjourned or postponed meeting thereof)Mmpany STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting (] [CHINA LODGING, LIMITED STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> (Incorporated in theyman Islands with limited liability) (NASDAQ Ticker: HTHT) Form of Proxy for Annual General Meeting STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> to Be Held on December8, 2011 (or anyjourned or postponed meeting thereof) Introduction STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">mpany Ordinary Shares] [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> The Voting Instructions must be signed,mpleted and received at the indicateddress prior to 10:00 A.M. (New York City time) on December1, 2011 for action to be taken. 2011 VOTING INSTRUCTIONS AMERICAN DEPOSITARY SHARES China Lodging, Limited (thempany)S CUSIP No.:] [Time Sensitive Materials STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> Depositarys Notice of Shareholders Meeting of STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> China Lodging, LimitedSs: American Depositary Shares.S CUSIP No.: 16949N109, 16949N182. October 25, 2011. Meetingecifics: Annual General Meeting - December 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. (local time) at No. 2266 Hongqiao Road, Changning District, Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China.]

By | 2016-02-07T12:05:31+00:00 October 25th, 2011|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HTHT, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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