SPU [SkyPeople Fruit Juice] 8-K: LATHROP & RUTLEDGE, P.C. J. Kent Rutledge, 5-1392
[LATHROP & RUTLEDGE, P.C. J. Kent Rutledge, 5-1392 Corinne E. Rutledge, 5-2480 Sam James Tortorich, 7-4713 1920 Thomes Avenue, Suite 500 P.O. Box 4068 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003-4068 Tel: (307) 632-0554 Fax: (307) 635-4502 WINSTON & STRAWN LLP Neal R. Marder Micol O. Sordina 333 S. Grand Avenue Los Angeles, California 90071 Tel: (213) 615-1700 Fax: (213) 615-1750 FOR THE DISTRICT] [Sky People Fruit Juice Files Lawsuit Against Short Seller Absaroka Capital XI'AN, China, July 8, 2011 On June 1, 2011, an entity identifying itself as “Absaroka Capital Management LLC”, a short seller of the Company’s securities, published an article containing several false allegations and accusations against the Company (the “Article”). About SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc. http://www.skypeoplefruitjuice.com SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc.,] [FORM 8-K TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): July 7, 2011 SKYPEOPLE FRUIT JUICE, INC. Florida (State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation) 000-32249 98-0222013 (IRS Employer Identification No.) 16F, National Development Bank Tower , No. 2, Gaoxin 1st Road, Xi’an, China 710075 (Zip Code) 011-86-29-88386415 (Former Name or Former Address, if]