SPU [Future FinTech] 8-K: (Original Filing)
[TABLE OF CONTENTS Page] [Himax Technologies, Inc. List of Subsidiaries Subsidiary Jurisdiction of Percentage of Himax Technologies Limited ROC 100.0 % Himax Technologies Korea Ltd. South Korea 100.0 % Himax Technologies (Samoa), Inc. Samoa 100.0 (1) % Himax Technologies (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. PRC 100.0 ]
[TABLE OF CONTENTS Page] [Himax Technologies, Inc. List of Subsidiaries Subsidiary Jurisdiction of Percentage of Himax Technologies Limited ROC 100.0 % Himax Technologies Korea Ltd. South Korea 100.0 % Himax Technologies (Samoa), Inc. Samoa 100.0 (1) % Himax Technologies (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. PRC 100.0 ]
[(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability under the Companies Ordinance) (Stock Code: 00883) 2019 Annual Results Announcement CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT Dear shareholders, The world is now experiencing unprecedented changes that have not been seen for centuries. In 2019, the global economic growth]
[(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability under the Companies Ordinance) (Stock Code: 00883) 2019 Annual Results Announcement CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT Dear shareholders, The world is now experiencing unprecedented changes that have not been seen for centuries. In 2019, the global economic growth]