CHNR [CHINA NATURAL RESOURCES] 6-K: CONTACT Yue Ming Wai Bonaventure, Chief Financial Officer
[CONTACT Yue Ming Wai Bonaventure, Chief Financial Officer 011-852-2810-7205 or CHINA NATURAL RESOURCES RECEIVES NASDAQ DEFICIENCY NOTICE HONG KONG, FEBRUARY 16, 2016 CHINA NATURAL RESOURCES, INC. (NASDAQ: CHNR), a company based in the People's Republic of China, today announced that, on February 9, 2016, the Company received a written notice from the Listing Qualifications department of The Nasdaq] [Receipt of Nasdaq Deficiency Notice On February 9, 2016, China Natural Resources, Inc. (the "Company") received a written notice from the Listing Qualifications department of The Nasdaq Stock Market (the "Notice") indicating that the Company is not in compliance with the $35 million market value of listed securities (MVLS) requirement set forth in Nasdaq Rule 5550(b)(2) for continued listing on]