CBPO [China Biologic Products] 8-K: (Original Filing)

[August 5, 2015 100 F Street, N.E. Ladies and Gentlemen: We were previously independent registered public accounting firm for China Biologic Products, Inc. (“the Company”) and, under the date of March 4, 2015, we reported on the consolidated financial statements of the Company as of and for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, and the effectiveness of internal] [FOR RELEASE August 5, 2015 China Biologic Reports Financial Results for the Second Quarter of 2015 2Q15 Total Sales Increased 31.6% YoY to $79.1 Million 2Q15 Non-GAAP Net Income Increased 39.5% YoY to $28.6 Million 1H15 Total Sales Increased 28.5% YoY to $149.4 Million 1H15 Non-GAAP Net Income Increased 35.1% YoY to $53.5 Million BEIJING, China – August 5, 2015] []

CBPO [China Biologic Products] 8-K: August 5, 2015 100 F Street, N.E. Ladies

[August 5, 2015 100 F Street, N.E. Ladies and Gentlemen: We were previously independent registered public accounting firm for China Biologic Products, Inc. (“the Company”) and, under the date of March 4, 2015, we reported on the consolidated financial statements of the Company as of and for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, and the effectiveness of internal] [FOR RELEASE August 5, 2015 China Biologic Reports Financial Results for the Second Quarter of 2015 2Q15 Total Sales Increased 31.6% YoY to $79.1 Million 2Q15 Non-GAAP Net Income Increased 39.5% YoY to $28.6 Million 1H15 Total Sales Increased 28.5% YoY to $149.4 Million 1H15 Non-GAAP Net Income Increased 35.1% YoY to $53.5 Million BEIJING, China – August 5, 2015] []

CBPO [China Biologic Products] IRANNOTICE: (Original Filing)

[China Biologic Products, Inc. 8th Floor, Jialong International Building 19 Chaoyang Park Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 100125 People’s Republic of China August 5, 2015 VIA EDGAR 100 F Street, N.E. Re: Notice of Disclosure Filed in Exchange Act Annual Report under Section 219 of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 and Section 13(r) of the]

CBPO [China Biologic Products] IRANNOTICE: China Biologic Products, Inc. 8th Floor, Jialong International

[China Biologic Products, Inc. 8th Floor, Jialong International Building 19 Chaoyang Park Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 100125 People’s Republic of China August 5, 2015 VIA EDGAR 100 F Street, N.E. Re: Notice of Disclosure Filed in Exchange Act Annual Report under Section 219 of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 and Section 13(r) of the]

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