LAS [Lentuo International] 6-K: Lentuo International Announces Transfer of Chief Financial Officer
[Lentuo International Announces Transfer of Chief Financial Officer to Leadership Role in Strategic Project with Itochu Corporation BEIJING, May 17, 2013 Lentuo International Inc. (NYSE: LAS) (Lentuo or the Company) today announced that its Chief Financial Officer, Jianping Chen, has been assigned to a leadership role in Lentuos ongoing joint venture project with Itochu Corporation . She will play] [FORM 6-K LENTUO INTERNATIONAL INC. Building D, 2nd Floor, 56 East 4th Ring South Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 100023 Peoples Republic of China (86-10) 6778 3955 (Address of Principal Executive Offices) Form 20-F x Form 40-F o Yes o No x Yes o No x Yes o No x S Number]