XUE [Xueda Education] 6-K: Xueda Education Group Announces Executive Changes BEIJING, January

[Xueda Education Group Announces Executive Changes BEIJING, January 12, 2012 — Xueda Education Group (NYSE: XUE) (“Xueda” or the “Company”), the leading national provider of tutoring services for primary and secondary school students in China with a focus on offering personalized tutoring services, announced today that Mr. Jun Wang has resigned as president and director of the Company to pursue] [TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 XUEDA EDUCATION GROUP]

By | 2016-03-18T11:01:26+00:00 January 13th, 2012|Categories: Chinese Stocks, Webplus ver, XUE|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments



EJ [E-HOUSE (CHINA)] F-4: (Original Filing)

[FORM F-4 REGISTRATION STATEMENT E-HOUSE (CHINA) HOLDINGS LIMITED N/A Cayman Islands 6531 N/A 17/F, Merchandise Harvest Building (East) Law Debenture Corporate Services Inc. (Name, address, including zip code, and telephone number, including area code, of agent for service) Copies of all communications to: Z. Julie Gao, Esq. David Roberts, Esq. Lee Edwards, Esq. Gregory Puff, Esq. Approximate date of commencement] [[ · ], 2012 Matter No.:876464 Doc Ref: 797232(v1) 852 2842 9511 David.Lamb@conyersdill.com E-House (China) Holdings Limited 17/F, Merchandise Harvest Building (East) No. 333 North Chengdu Road Shanghai 200041 People’s Republic of China Dear Sirs, E-House (China) Holdings Limited ( the “Company”) Shares Prospectus American Depositary Shares representing ordinary shares of the Company (the “ Registration Statement Commission Securities Act] [SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE FIRM/AFFILIATE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071-3144 OFFICES TEL: (213) 687-5000 BOSTON FAX: (213) 687-5600 CHICAGO www.skadden.com HOUSTON NEW YORK PALO ALTO SAN FRANCISCO WILMINGTON BEIJING] [Xudong ZHU Zuyu DING Shanghai SINA Leju Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. Exclusive Call Option Agreement In Respect Of Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. September 10, 2011 EXCLUSIVE CALL OPTION AGREEMENT EXCLUSIVE CALL OPTION AGREEMENT Agreement This 1. Xudong ZHU Identity Card No.: 2. Zuyu DING Identity Card No.: Company Shareholder] [LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN XUDONG ZHU ZUYU DING AND SHANGHAI SINA LEJU INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2011 LOAN AGREEMENT LOAN AGREEMENT this Agreement This 1. XUDONG ZHU Identity Card Number: 2. ZUYU DING Identity Card Number: Borrowers (XUDONG ZHU and ZUYU DING are collectively referred to as the “ 3. SHANGHAI SINA LEJU INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Lender] [Xudong ZHU Zuyu DING Shanghai SINA Leju Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement In respect of Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. September 10, 2011 Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement Agreement This Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement (this “ 1. Xudong ZHU ID Card No.: 2. Zuyu DING] [Xudong ZHU Zuyu DING Shanghai SINA Leju Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. Equity Pledge Agreement regarding Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. September 10, 2011 EQUITY PLEDGE AGREEMENT EQUITY PLEDGE AGREEMENT Agreement This 1. Xudong ZHU Identity Card No.: 2. Zuyu DING Identity Card No: Pledgor Pledgors (Xudong ZHU and Zuyu DING] [Zuyu DING Weijie MA Shanghai Yi Yue Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Exclusive Call Option Agreement In Respect Of Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. December 5, 2011 EXCLUSIVE CALL OPTION AGREEMENT EXCLUSIVE CALL OPTION AGREEMENT Agreement This 1. Zuyu DING Identity Card No.: 2. Weijie MA Identity Card No.: Company Shareholder Company Shareholders] [LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN Zuyu DING AND SHANGHAI YI YUE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. DATED SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 LOAN AGREEMENT LOAN AGREEMENT this Agreement This 1. ZUYU DING Identity Card Number: 2. WEIJIE MA Identity Card Number: Borrowers (ZUYU DING and WEIJIE MA are collectively referred to as the “ 3. SHANGHAI YI YUE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Lender (the “] [Zuyu DING Weijie MA Shanghai Yi Yue Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement In respect of Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. December 5, 2011 Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement Agreement This Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement (this “ 1. Zuyu DING ID Card No.: 2. Weijie MA ID Card] [Zuyu Ding Weijie MA Shanghai Yi Yue Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Equity Pledge Agreement Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. December 5, 2011 EQUITY PLEDGE AGREEMENT EQUITY PLEDGE AGREEMENT Agreement This 1. Zuyu DING Identity Card No.: 2. Weijie MA Identity Card No: Zuyu DING Weijie MA Pledgor Pledgors ( 3. Shanghai Yi] [EXCLUSIVE TECHNICAL SUPPORT AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into in Haidian District, Beijing as of December 5, 2011 by and between the following Parties: Shanghai Yi Yue Information Technology Co., Ltd. Party A: Address: Room 404, Building 1, No. 84, Lane 453, Hutai Road, Shanghai Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Party B: Address: Room 103, Building 1, No. 84,] [CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM We consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement on Form F-4 of our reports dated April 26, 2011, relating to the financial statements of E-House (China) Holdings Limited, and the effectiveness of E-House (China) Holdings Limited’s internal control over financial reporting, appearing in the Annual Report on Form 20-F of] [CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM We consent to the use in this Registration Statement on Form F-4 of our reports dated April 26, 2011 relating to the financial statements of China Real Estate Information Corporation and the effectiveness of China Real Estate Information Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting, appearing in the proxy statement/prospectus, which is part of] [CONSENT OF CREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLC , Registration Statement We hereby consent to (1) the inclusion of our opinion letter, dated December 26, 2011 CREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLC January 13, 2012 EX-99.1 15 a2206858zex-99_1.htm EX-99.1] [FANGDA PARTNERS 上海 Shanghai · 北京 Beijing · 深圳 Shenzhen http://www.fangdalaw.com 中国上海市南京西路 1515 号 电子邮件 E-mail: email@fangdalaw.com 嘉里中心 20 楼 电 话 Tel.: 86-21-2208-1166 邮政编码: 200040 传 真 Fax: 86-21-5298-5577 文 号 Ref.: 11CF0385 20/F, Kerry Center]

By | 2016-03-31T06:48:32+00:00 January 13th, 2012|Categories: Chinese Stocks, EJ, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments


[FORM F-4 REGISTRATION STATEMENT E-HOUSE (CHINA) HOLDINGS LIMITED N/A Cayman Islands 6531 N/A 17/F, Merchandise Harvest Building (East) Law Debenture Corporate Services Inc. (Name, address, including zip code, and telephone number, including area code, of agent for service) Copies of all communications to: Z. Julie Gao, Esq. David Roberts, Esq. Lee Edwards, Esq. Gregory Puff, Esq. Approximate date of commencement] [[ · ], 2012 Matter No.:876464 Doc Ref: 797232(v1) 852 2842 9511 David.Lamb@conyersdill.com E-House (China) Holdings Limited 17/F, Merchandise Harvest Building (East) No. 333 North Chengdu Road Shanghai 200041 People’s Republic of China Dear Sirs, E-House (China) Holdings Limited ( the “Company”) Shares Prospectus American Depositary Shares representing ordinary shares of the Company (the “ Registration Statement Commission Securities Act] [SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE FIRM/AFFILIATE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071-3144 OFFICES TEL: (213) 687-5000 BOSTON FAX: (213) 687-5600 CHICAGO www.skadden.com HOUSTON NEW YORK PALO ALTO SAN FRANCISCO WILMINGTON BEIJING] [Xudong ZHU Zuyu DING Shanghai SINA Leju Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. Exclusive Call Option Agreement In Respect Of Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. September 10, 2011 EXCLUSIVE CALL OPTION AGREEMENT EXCLUSIVE CALL OPTION AGREEMENT Agreement This 1. Xudong ZHU Identity Card No.: 2. Zuyu DING Identity Card No.: Company Shareholder] [LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN XUDONG ZHU ZUYU DING AND SHANGHAI SINA LEJU INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2011 LOAN AGREEMENT LOAN AGREEMENT this Agreement This 1. XUDONG ZHU Identity Card Number: 2. ZUYU DING Identity Card Number: Borrowers (XUDONG ZHU and ZUYU DING are collectively referred to as the “ 3. SHANGHAI SINA LEJU INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Lender] [Xudong ZHU Zuyu DING Shanghai SINA Leju Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement In respect of Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. September 10, 2011 Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement Agreement This Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement (this “ 1. Xudong ZHU ID Card No.: 2. Zuyu DING] [Xudong ZHU Zuyu DING Shanghai SINA Leju Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. Equity Pledge Agreement regarding Beijing Yisheng Leju Information Services Co., Ltd. September 10, 2011 EQUITY PLEDGE AGREEMENT EQUITY PLEDGE AGREEMENT Agreement This 1. Xudong ZHU Identity Card No.: 2. Zuyu DING Identity Card No: Pledgor Pledgors (Xudong ZHU and Zuyu DING] [Zuyu DING Weijie MA Shanghai Yi Yue Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Exclusive Call Option Agreement In Respect Of Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. December 5, 2011 EXCLUSIVE CALL OPTION AGREEMENT EXCLUSIVE CALL OPTION AGREEMENT Agreement This 1. Zuyu DING Identity Card No.: 2. Weijie MA Identity Card No.: Company Shareholder Company Shareholders] [LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN Zuyu DING AND SHANGHAI YI YUE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. DATED SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 LOAN AGREEMENT LOAN AGREEMENT this Agreement This 1. ZUYU DING Identity Card Number: 2. WEIJIE MA Identity Card Number: Borrowers (ZUYU DING and WEIJIE MA are collectively referred to as the “ 3. SHANGHAI YI YUE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Lender (the “] [Zuyu DING Weijie MA Shanghai Yi Yue Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement In respect of Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. December 5, 2011 Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement Agreement This Shareholder Voting Right Proxy Agreement (this “ 1. Zuyu DING ID Card No.: 2. Weijie MA ID Card] [Zuyu Ding Weijie MA Shanghai Yi Yue Information Technology Co., Ltd. AND Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Equity Pledge Agreement Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. December 5, 2011 EQUITY PLEDGE AGREEMENT EQUITY PLEDGE AGREEMENT Agreement This 1. Zuyu DING Identity Card No.: 2. Weijie MA Identity Card No: Zuyu DING Weijie MA Pledgor Pledgors ( 3. Shanghai Yi] [EXCLUSIVE TECHNICAL SUPPORT AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into in Haidian District, Beijing as of December 5, 2011 by and between the following Parties: Shanghai Yi Yue Information Technology Co., Ltd. Party A: Address: Room 404, Building 1, No. 84, Lane 453, Hutai Road, Shanghai Shanghai Yi Xin E-Commerce Co., Ltd. Party B: Address: Room 103, Building 1, No. 84,] [CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM We consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement on Form F-4 of our reports dated April 26, 2011, relating to the financial statements of E-House (China) Holdings Limited, and the effectiveness of E-House (China) Holdings Limited’s internal control over financial reporting, appearing in the Annual Report on Form 20-F of] [CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM We consent to the use in this Registration Statement on Form F-4 of our reports dated April 26, 2011 relating to the financial statements of China Real Estate Information Corporation and the effectiveness of China Real Estate Information Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting, appearing in the proxy statement/prospectus, which is part of] [CONSENT OF CREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLC , Registration Statement We hereby consent to (1) the inclusion of our opinion letter, dated December 26, 2011 CREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLC January 13, 2012 EX-99.1 15 a2206858zex-99_1.htm EX-99.1] [FANGDA PARTNERS 上海 Shanghai · 北京 Beijing · 深圳 Shenzhen http://www.fangdalaw.com 中国上海市南京西路 1515 号 电子邮件 E-mail: email@fangdalaw.com 嘉里中心 20 楼 电 话 Tel.: 86-21-2208-1166 邮政编码: 200040 传 真 Fax: 86-21-5298-5577 文 号 Ref.: 11CF0385 20/F, Kerry Center]

By | 2016-03-31T06:49:32+00:00 January 13th, 2012|Categories: Chinese Stocks, EJ, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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