[DATE OF BOARD MEETING The board (the “Board”) of directors of China Southern Airlines Company Limited (the “Company”) hereby announces that a Board meeting will be held on Thursday, 27 October 2011 for the purpose of considering and approving, inter alia, the third quarterly results of the Company for the nine months ended 30 September 2011. By Order of the] [FORM 6-K October 14, 2011 CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES COMPANY LIMITED 278 Jichang Road Guangzhou, Guangdong 510405 People’s Republic of China x o Form 20-F. o x Yes Company http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20111013/LTN20111013161.pdf board meeting to be held on Thursday, 27 October 2011 for the purpose of considering and approving, inter alia, the third quarterly results of the Company for the nine months ended]