[CONTENTSRPORATE INFORMATION 1 CHAIRMANS STATEMENT 2 3 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKRPORATE INFORMATION Independent Auditor Deloitte & Touche Legalunsel Morrison & Foerster Paloto office 755 Page Mill Road Paloto,lifornia, USA 94304 Maples andlder PO Box 309 Ugland House Grandyman1-1104] [2 http://www.o2micro.com O Proxy Servicesrporation 200 A Executive Drive Edgewood, NY 11717 You mayso request for a hardcopy of the annual report bylling the toll free number 1-800-555-2470. exh_992.htm 3 EX-99] [O2MICRO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (Incorporated in theyman Islands with limited liability) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 2010 O2Micro International Limited Grand Pavilionmmercial Centre, West Bay Road P.O. Box 32331 SMB, George Town Grandyman,yman Islands Executive Directors Sterling Du Chuan Chiung Perry Kuo] [exh_994.htm 5 EX-99]