CNTF [China Techfaith Wireless Communication Technology] SC 13G/A: (Original Filing)
[Joint Filing Agreement Defu Dong Defu Dong Helio Glaze Limited Defu Dong Director Huos Offshore Trust For and on behalf of Andrew T. Chan, Danny W. K. Tsui Director, Associate Director HSBC International Trustee Limited For and on behalf of Andrew T. Chan, Danny W. K. Tsui Director, Associate Director 2] [CUSIP No. G84383101 1 NAMES OF REPORTING PERSONS 2 CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) þ (a) o (b) 3 SEC USE ONLY 4 CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION Peoples Republic of China 5 SOLE VOTING POWER NUMBER OF]