CHNR [CHINA NATURAL RESOURCES] 6-K: CONTACT Edward Wong, Financial Controller 011-852-2810-7205 or
[CONTACT Edward Wong, Financial Controller 011-852-2810-7205 or HEARING PANEL GRANTS CHINA NATURAL RESOURCES ADDITIONAL TIME TO COMPLETE NASDAQ NEW LISTING PROCESS, DURING WHICH SHARES WILL REMAIN LISTED HONG KONG, April 11, 2006 CHINA NATURAL RESOURCES, INC. (NASDAQ: CHNR), a company based in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), today announced that it has received an April 6, 2006] [Company Receives Nasdaq Hearing Panel Decision China Natural Resources has received an April 6, 2006 decision by a Nasdaq Hearings Qualification Panel. The decision results from the Companys appeal of a Nasdaq Staff determination to delist the Companys shares for not completing Nasdaqs new listing process prior to completion of the Companys recent acquisition of Feishang Mining Holdings Limited. The]