[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte December 6, 2012 By Wang Jian (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670)NNECTED TRANSACTION The Vendor is an indirect non wholly-owned subsidiary of CEA, which is in turn is a substantial shareholder of thempany, and the Vendor is thus annected person of thempany.]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte December 6, 2012 By Wang Jian (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670)NNECTED TRANSACTION The Vendor is an indirect non wholly-owned subsidiary of CEA, which is in turn is a substantial shareholder of thempany, and the Vendor is thus annected person of thempany.]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte December 6, 2012 By Wang Jian (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670)NNECTED TRANSACTION AND VOLUNTARY ANNOUNCEMENTNNECTED TRANSACTIONSCO is a substantial shareholder of the Targetmpany, which in turn is a subsidiary of thempany, andSCO is thus annected person of thempany. Accordingly, theSCO Acquisitionnstitutes]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte December 6, 2012 By Wang Jian (A joint stock limitedmpanyorporated in the Peoples Republic of China with limited liability) (Stockde: 00670)NNECTED TRANSACTION AND VOLUNTARY ANNOUNCEMENTNNECTED TRANSACTIONSCO is a substantial shareholder of the Targetmpany, which in turn is a subsidiary of thempany, andSCO is thus annected person of thempany. Accordingly, theSCO Acquisitionnstitutes]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte December 4, 2012 By For Main Board and GEM listed issuers Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities For the month ended (dd/mm/yyyy) : 30/11/2012 To : Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited Name of Issuer China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (thempany)]
[China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limitedte December 4, 2012 By For Main Board and GEM listed issuers Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities For the month ended (dd/mm/yyyy) : 30/11/2012 To : Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited Name of Issuer China Eastern Airlinesrporation Limited (thempany)]