AUO [AU OPTRONICS] 6-K: AU Optronics Corp. September 21, 2012 English Language

[AU Optronics Corp. September 21, 2012 English Language Summary Subject: Statement of AU Optronics Corp. Regulation: Date of Events: 2012/09/21 (Taiwan time) Contents: 1. Parties to the legal matter, name of the court, disposing agency, and reference/case numbers of relevant documents: 2. Date of occurrence of the event: 2012/09/21 (Taiwan time) 3. Background and circumstances of the matter (including the] [Item 1. AU Optronics Corp.]

By | 2016-03-25T21:43:41+00:00 September 21st, 2012|Categories: AUO, Chinese Stocks, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

AUO [AU OPTRONICS] CORRESP: September 21, 2012 Via EDGAR Division of Corporation

[September 21, 2012 Via EDGAR Division of Corporation Finance 100 F Street, NE Attn: Mr. Martin James Senior Assistant Chief Accountant Re: AU Optronics Corp. Form 20-F for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011 Filed April 27, 2012 File No. 001-31335 Dear Mr. James: For your convenience, we have included herein the Staff’s comment in italics for which supplemental]

By | 2016-03-25T21:41:54+00:00 September 21st, 2012|Categories: AUO, Chinese Stocks, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

AUO [AU OPTRONICS] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[AU Optronics Corp. September 21, 2012 English Language Summary Subject: Statement of AU Optronics Corp. Regulation: Date of Events: 2012/09/21 (Taiwan time) Contents: 1. Parties to the legal matter, name of the court, disposing agency, and reference/case numbers of relevant documents: 2. Date of occurrence of the event: 2012/09/21 (Taiwan time) 3. Background and circumstances of the matter (including the] [Item 1. AU Optronics Corp.]

By | 2016-03-25T21:42:49+00:00 September 21st, 2012|Categories: AUO, Chinese Stocks, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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