pcgamer wrote a new post, Metro Exodus is bigger than 2033 and Last Light combined, on the site GoGame.com sometime ago
4A Games has said previously that Metro Exodus will be more open than the previous games in the Metro series, but it won’t be a completely open world like that of Stalker. For one thing, individual levels in Exodus will be much larger than anything seen in the previous games. The biggest outdoor level in Last Light was roughly “200 meters to 100 meters,” Prokhorov said,. That means everything from weapons, attachments, and other loot, to “frozen stories” that reveal more about the game world and
techradar wrote a new post, TechRadar, on the site MMOABC.com 5 years ago
The Witcher 4: what we want to see in a new Witcher gameCD Projekt RED has a new Witcher game on the cards, but when The Witcher 4 be released, and what do we actually want to see in it?
gamerant wrote a new post, John Cena Challenged to Hooters Deathmatch If WrestleMania’s Delayed, on the site MMOABC.com 5 years ago
For example, if Bray Wyatt and John Cena’s WrestleMania match is delayed, Wyatt has another idea. advertisingIn a message posted to Wyatt’s official Twitter account, Wyatt makes the challenge to John Cena. “If WrestleMania gets delayed The FIEND hereby challenges John Cena to a Bar Fight DeathmatchTM. RELATED: Dr DisRespect and Undertaker Face Off on Twitch StreamThe Fiend and John Cena currently have a match planned for WrestleMania. In other words, Cena may not be able to reschedule in the eve
techradar wrote a new post, TechRadar, on the site MMOABC.com 5 years ago
The Witcher 4: what we want to see in a new Witcher nameCD Projekt RED have a new Witcher game on the cards, but when will we see The Witcher 4, and what do we actually want to see in it?
gamerant wrote a new post, Sonic the Hedgehog Breaks Box Office Record, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
Sonic the Hedgehog has grossed $143.2 million at the domestic box office as of March 12, and while the weekend box office results have yet to be announced, it’s basically guaranteed to have past that total by tomorrow. As far as the worldwide box office, Sonic the Hedgehog is sitting at $302.7 million versus the $433 million that the Detective Pikachu movie pulled in worldwide. Then again, the coronavirus could have an opposite effect and actually boost Sonic the Hedgehog’s box office total. Son
gamerant wrote a new post, Destiny 2: Trials of Osiris Does Not Have Adept Weapons for Flawless, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
The database was accurate all along and the reason Adept weapons weren’t discovered was because they were never there at all. Adept weapons were a major pursuit in Trials of Osiris, and considering that the only Trials of Osiris gear that comes from the Flawless chest in the Lighthouse is armor with the weapons rotating weekly, the Trials of Osiris loot pool feels a lot shallower than it did initially. Another reason the absence of Adept weapons is disappointing, in a season that already seems u
pcgamer wrote a new post, CS:GO has broken 1 million concurrent players, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
Here’s a record for you: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has cracked the 1 million concurrent players mark for the first time since it released in 2012. Eight years of steady rises and falls, dips and upticks, have made CS:GO the game that absolutely, positively will not die. In fact, it seems clear at this point that CS:GO will only become more powerful. At about 14:20 GMT today CS:GO reached a peak of 1,007,062 players, beating its previous records by some 75,000 players. Last month CS:GO bro
gamerant wrote a new post, Call of Duty: Warzone Exploit Gives Teams Easy Battle Royale Win, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
Call of Duty: Warzone has been out now for several days, and it is the fastest-growing battle royale title ever, outperforming even Apex Legends’ incredible launch. However, there have been some problems with the game since its release, and players have now discovered a major Call of Duty: Warzone exploit that is already ruining some online matches. Luckily, it seems like this exploit can easily be fixed, and the devs just have to decide how to approach this big Call of Duty: Warzone problem. ad
gamerant wrote a new post, Here’s How Long It Takes to Beat Nioh 2, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
As fans begin to make their way through this new title, some may wonder approximately how long it will take to beat Nioh 2, and details on this matter are indeed now available. advertisingSpecifically, there is indication that it takes around 50 hours to beat Nioh 2’s main story and a smattering of optional missions, which means that players will have plenty of time to master the game’s elaborate combat system. advertisingFor players that are curious, the average main story completion time for t
techradar wrote a new post, The Witcher 4: what we want to see in a new Witcher name, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
The new Witcher game won’t land soon, that’s for sure. Given The Witcher 3 landed in 2015, and Cyberpunk 2077 is coming in 2020, we may be waiting another five years before CD Projekt RED is ready to drop another open-world RPG. And in the meantime we’ll have The Witcher season 2, that animated Witcher movie, and the back catalogue of Witcher games and Witcher books to keep us busy. So, what would we want to see in a new The Witcher game, possibly ten years after its previous entry? Continued sa
gamerant wrote a new post, Call of Duty: Warzone Passes Crazy New Milestone, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
It’s been announced that Call of Duty: Warzone has now passed 15 million players worldwide, proving definitively that the battle royale craze is far from over. Call of Duty: Warzone passed 6 million players within its first day of availability, so it’s not surprising to see that it’s already passed 15 million players. This has greatly expanded its potential player base, and will likely ensure that the Warzone player count continues to grow for some time. advertisingCall of Duty: Warzone is out n
gamerant wrote a new post, Call of Duty: Warzone Trick Lets Players ‘Cheat’ for Their Teammates in Gulag, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
This is one big advantage, but Call of Duty: Warzone players can also help their teammates out by throwing rocks at their Gulag opponent. Not only that, but it’s been discovered that the rocks Warzone players can throw in the Gulag can actually blow up claymores. After all, Infinity Ward made it possible for Warzone players to observe Gulag matches and gave them rocks to throw for a reason. Call of Duty: Warzone is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. MORE: Call of Duty: Warzone’s Respawn System i
gamerant wrote a new post, Destiny 2 Issues Warning About Lost Trials Tokens and Emblem, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
Trials of Osiris is back in Destiny 2 with its high-intensity competitive games and exclusive loot. Bungie even issued a warning to Destiny 2 players about some specific items that can be lost from Trials of Osiris and which will not go to the Postmaster. If they do not have space, Trials Tokens, which can be turned in for additional Trials of Osiris loot, will be lost. 👍🏻 https://t.co/Nss59LBh2y — Lars Bakken (@lars_bakken) March 14, 2020These seem to be the only technical issues that have come
gamesradar wrote a new post, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is available for digital purchase four days early, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
In a pleasant surprise, Disney has decided to release Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker on digital platforms, four days before the planned March 17 release date. As of right now, you can purchase (not rent) the movie on Amazon , Vudu , FandangoNow , and other places for $20, or $25 for 4K UHD. The surprise release comes just after Disney announced that Frozen 2 would make its debut on the Disney Plus streaming service on Sunday, March 15, a whole three months ahead of schedule. During this week a
gamerant wrote a new post, Dreams Creators Have Limited Uses For Their Creations Outside of PlayStation, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
The creation tools found within the game are deep and allow players the opportunity to let their imaginations run wild. Clarifying who owns an original creation in Dreams, the answer is simple; the owner is the player who created it. They are free to do what they wish with that creation if they are using their creation for personal use. Here Media Molecule appears to be trying to figure this out as well, stating that “creators can submit an application to use Dreams for a specific project.” Play
gamesradar wrote a new post, Netflix halts Stranger Things season 4 production, along with dozens of other TV shows and movies, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
Netflix is suspending production on all of their scripted TV shows and movies in the US and Canada, as growing concerns around the novel coronavirus continue to affect release schedules and events. Of course, Netflix’s decision means a potential delay for Stranger Things Season 4 , but it also means a long list of other movies and TV series are being slowed down. No word yet on how this will affect production on Netflix series and movies outside the US, like the wildly-popular Witcher TV series
gamesradar wrote a new post, Disney is releasing Frozen 2 on Disney Plus three months early to provide “some fun and joy”, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
Disney has announced that Frozen 2 will debut on the Disney Plus streaming service on Sunday, March 15, three months ahead of schedule. The Twitter reveal says Frozen 2’s surprise debut on Disney Plus should provide “some fun and joy during this challenging period,” seemingly referencing the recent swelling in public worry over the novel coronavirus. Indeed, with events like E3 2020 and EA esports postponed in the wake of the virus, as well as Disney suspending production on seven live-action mo
gamerant wrote a new post, smash.gg Launching Relief Fund for Tournament Organizers Affected by Coronavirus, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
That might be about to change thanks to a new relief fund planned by smash.gg. advertisingRELATED: Pokemon GO Suspends Abra Community Day Amid Coronavirus ConcernsThe announcement of the “TO Relief Fund” came through smash.gg’s official Twitter account. In a tweet, smash.gg said it was starting the fund to support tournament organizers who “made investments in events that they won’t be able to run.” We’re planning on setting up a “TO Relief Fund” Shop on smashgg to help organize how donations ar
gamerant wrote a new post, Bill Gates Steps Down From Microsoft Board of Directors, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
After originally joining the board on February 4, 2014, Microsoft has announced that Bill Gates has stepped down from the Board of Directors. Bill Gates is known as a very philanthropic individual. It is possible that even the recent coronavirus outbreak, which has caused global crisis, including the cancellation of this year’s E3, has hurried his decision to step away from the Board of Directors. The Bill Gates documentary on Netflix reveals a lot about who he is, how he became such a successfu
gamesradar wrote a new post, Stardew Valley still has secrets no one’s discovered, says ConcernedApe, on the site GoGame.com 5 years ago
Stardew Valley is a game full of secrets waiting to be discovered, and according to the game’s creator, some of them are still waiting. Concerned Ape (aka Eric Barone), replied to a fan on Twitter asking if Stardew Valley still had any undiscovered secrets. One of the many secrets Barone buried into Stardew Valley include the ConcernedApe logo on the intro screen, which ditches the sunglasses and opens its eyes when clicked. Stardew Valley is getting another free update soon, only months after t
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